Launch of Accessible ICT Procurement Implementation Guide for Higher Education Providers
Please join us for the launch of the newly developed Accessible ICT Procurement Implementation Guide for Higher Education Providers at a virtual event on Friday 21 October 2022, 11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT.
You’ll learn more about the nationally significant guide, how it can support universities and hear from key speakers:
- Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
- Bruce Maguire, Lead Policy Advisor, Vision Australia
- Neil Jarvis, Guide Author, Intopia
We hope that you’re able to join us for the launch of this critical resource as we strive for a more accessible future by design across the Australian Higher Education sector. Register your place.
About the Accessible ICT Procurement Implementation Guide for Higher Education
The guide aims to support universities to purchase and implement ICT products that enable digital accessibility for all students and staff within the Higher Education sector – a key step toward reducing barriers encountered by people with disability. This is particularly important within the current context of virtual learning and working.
The guide gives practical support and advice in positioning accessibility at the forefront of ICT procurement practices and demonstrating how to adopt relevant standards – AS EN 301 549 and WCAG 2.1 in procurement policies, procedures, and practice.
These resources have been designed by ADCET and the NDCO Program in partnership with an expert advisory panel and Intopia.
The guide will be hosted by the Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT).