Australia’s first Career Development Learning (CDL) Hub for students with disability

NCSEHE-led project to establish Australia’s first dedicated national Career Development Learning Hub for students with disability

A new National Careers Institute (NCI) Partnership Grant project led by the NCSEHE will establish Australia’s first Career Development Learning (CDL) Hub for students with disability.

The CDL Hub will provide an accessible range of resources, as well as practical examples of programs addressing CDL for students with disability across the student life cycle.  One of 13 projects funded under the first round of the NCI Partnership Grant program, National Career Development Learning Hub for students with disability will direct over $400,000 to improving careers outcomes for students with disability.

Chief Investigator Professor Sarah O’Shea will collaborate with an expert group of researchers1 from the NCSEHE, Curtin University, the University of Wollongong, La Trobe University, the University of Tasmania and Swinburne University of Technology. The research team will be guided by key stakeholders from relevant bodies including the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET), Centres for Disability Studies and leaders of University Diversity and Student Equity units. Read more here.

Posted 19 January 2021


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