A Guide to Tertiary Education for Multicultural Communities and Mature Age Students with Disability
Calling all Multicultural and Mature Age Students with disability who are undertaking or hoping to study in Tertiary Education, and those who support them.
The National Disability Coordination Officer Program is proud to present a FREE Accessible Vodcast, “A Guide to Tertiary Education for Multicultural Communities and Mature Age Students with Disability”.
Hear directly from sector experts, and students with lived experience, who will share their knowledge of the unique challenges they faced and provide information on how to navigate and successfully complete your post school education journey.
When: Available Wednesday 18th May 2022
Where: https://bit.ly/NDCOYouTube
Enquiries can be directed to :
Lloyd Gris
NDCO Region 2 New England/Northwest
Ph 0447091707
Email: lloyd.gris@newcastle.edu.au