National Disability Research Partnership
The National Disability Research Partnership will facilitate a collaborative and inclusive disability research program that builds the evidence for successful innovation in policy and practice.
The Commonwealth government has provided seed funding to establish the NDRP. A two-year establishment phase is being guided by a working party and has core deliverables:
The NDRP Establishment Phase will run until June 2022 and will involve five core deliverables:
- Deliver a national disability research agenda (read more at this link: research agenda)
- Design a governance model to support the long term NDRP (read more at this link: Governance)
- Map and develop disability research capacity in Australia
- Write a practical guide to NDRP research
- Pilot a research funding round to build the evidence base and to demonstrate and refine NDRP processes.
All our work will align with the NDRP Guiding Principles which we released in late April 2021. The Working Party is deeply committed to reflecting these principles in all our activities. We have sought to align these principles with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and will adjust them as we receive feedback. Read more about our principles at this link: NDRP Guiding Principles.
The overarching objective of the Working Party is to secure long-term funding for disability research. Funding will be used to generate research that is collaborative with people with disability at the centre. Funding must be sufficient to address the current evidence gaps in a timely way, align with key policies and strategies like the National Disability Strategy and the National Disability Insurance Scheme and build research capacity. Read more about the policy context NDRP is operating in at this link: Policy context.
The research agenda development involves three project phases: 1) research mapping, 2) consultation, and 3) prioritisation for the final research agenda. Click the links below for an update on each phase.