Senior Secondary Pathways Reform Taskforce – National Careers Week Webinars

National Careers Week Webinars

The Senior Secondary Pathways Reform Taskforce is hosting webinars to celebrate the National Careers Week from 17 May to 23 May:

Bolstering Student Mental Health with Effective Career Development Practice (Two-part series)

In Part 1 of the series, Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston will describe the connections between career development and mental health as well as strategies for weaving mental health into career development interventions. Participants will leave with at least one strategy they can try before Part 2 of the series.

Part 2 will begin by debriefing the application of the between-session strategies. This will be followed by a review of additional strategies and skills practitioners can use to incorporate mental health aims in career development practice while maintaining their professional, ethical and role boundaries.

It is recommended that participants complete both parts in sequence.


  • Part 1: Monday, 17 May from 11am – 12:15pm │ click here to register

  • Part 2: Thursday, 17 June from 11am – 12:15pm │ click here to register

A Better Story Toolkit: Words and Actions, Building Blocks for Life/Work

Gray Poehnell’s Hope-Filled Engagement approach supplements traditional, mainstream career approaches by addressing the increasing need for a diversity of tools and concepts that can be used with increasingly diverse populations. It has been effective in assisting people to find their strengths and the other assets that make them who they really are and what they are capable of.

A Better Story builds on this approach and helps people to craft a better inner story that can sustain them as they move forward on their life/career journeys. Gray will explore how to take small steps to identify, choose, and cultivate the “words” and “actions” that will enable us to do more than just survive or even succeed—but to thrive by living well.


  • Thursday, 20 May from 10am – 11am │ click here to register

Using the Victorian Career Education Framework in Schools

Bernadette Gigliotti, Career Education Association of Victoria, will provide an outline of the Victorian Career Education Framework and how schools can use the Framework and the associated resources to support delivery of effective career education programs. She will also indicate how these resources can increase their students’ understanding of the career pathways that align with their respective subject areas and connect learning in their classroom to their future career and employment pathways beyond the school gate.


  • Monday, 17 May from 1pm – 2pm │click here to register

  • Friday, 21 May from 1pm – 2pm │click here to register

My Career Portfolio

These webinars will provide attendees with the opportunity to:

  • learn about how to use My Career Portfolio as a careers practitioner

  • hear tips and tricks from schools who have implemented My Career Portfolio

  • find out about new functionalities


  • Wednesday, 19 May from 2:30pm – 3:30pm │click here to register

  • Friday, 21 May from 2:30pm – 3:30pm │click here to register

Using the Victorian Career Education Benchmarking Self-Assessment Tool

The Department of Education and Training’s Career Education Benchmarks is designed to support school leadership, careers practitioners, teachers and the broader school community to develop and implement high-quality career education programs for their students. It includes a self-assessment planning tool to support schools to self-evaluate and reflect on their career education program’s impact and identify progress, achievements, and strategies for improvement.


  • Thursday, 20 May from 12pm – 1pm │click here to register

Supporting your child on their career journey

The Department of Education and Training together with Parents Victoria will present this 1-hour webinar for parents on how they can support their children to make informed subject, course and career choices and outline supports that are available for young people when they leave school.


  • Tuesday, 18 May from 11am – 12pm │click here to register

Please go the North East Victoria regional team website for further information

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