Southern Grampians Youth Achievement Award

Southern Grampians Youth Achievement Awards (SGYAA)

Southern Grampians is ripe with positive, talented and compassionate young people whose skills range from volunteering to sporting to leadership to music and art.

To continue supporting and encouraging our young people, we are once again kicking off the Southern Grampians Youth Achievement Awards (SGYAA)! The SGYAA provide an opportunity to formally acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of local young people between the ages of 12 and 25 in our community.

As community members who support and work with young people in Southern Grampians, I encourage you to nominate young people for the SGYAA.

Nominations are now open until Friday 20th August. Please note that nominations can be for achievements that occurred earlier in the year.

Nomination categories for the SGYAA include the following:

  • Challenge and change
  • Alternative sport
  • Performing arts
  • Youth leadership
  • Visual and design
  • Young carer
  • Youth Volunteer
  • Values

A selection panel of representative from YACVic, Glenelg Southern Grampians LLEN and Western District Health Service will review the applicants and those successful will be presented with a certificate and gift voucher at a SGYAA ceremony in September.

Further information on the nomination categories contact Molly Dennis, Youth Engagement Project Officer, Western District Health Service.|

By |2022-08-29T04:16:55+00:00August 5th, 2021|Opportunities|Comments Off on Southern Grampians Youth Achievement Award