Stella Young Award 2022

Stella Young Award 2022

Arts Access Victoria cherishes the memory of our collaborator Stella Young and honours her by awarding a young Australian disabled artist each year with $3,000.

Applications close Tuesday 13 September at 5.00 pm.

This is a great opportunity for young disabled artists aged between 16 and 30 years old to be recognised for their impact on disability activism and culture through their artistic practice (in comedy, performing arts or screen culture).

Applicants must:

  • identify as a Deaf and/or Disabled person;
  • have created work (paid or voluntary) in either comedy, performing arts or screen culture;
  • be between the ages of 16 and 30
  • be a permanent resident of Australia; and
  • have made a powerful impact through their practice.

You can apply online or download the application form

Submit your application by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 13 September to Eva Sifis (Project Officer) at

The Stella Young Award was established in 2018 in Young’s name. It recognises her impact on society through her early work with Disability Media Australia, in particular, the program ‘No Limits’, which challenged the representation of disability in Australian screen. As Young said, “You get proud by practicing” and, in this spirit, we aim to help the next generation of artists and activists with disability by awarding the talents of those trying to challenge the system today.

Please feel welcome to join us at The Gathering on Wednesday 27 July, 2.30 pm – 4 pm, where Eva will be available for a brief Q&A to answer any questions you might have about applying for the Stella Young Award 2022.

“The confidence receiving this award has given me is indescribable. It’s really helped me see that the way I’m forming my career is going to have an impact and is absolutely heading in the right direction to be able to help carry on Stella’s passions and advocacy is a true honour.” – Amy Marks 2021 Winner

The award is made possible by the amazing work and legacy of Disability Media Australia (formerly Grit Media). We thank everyone involved with the organisation and those involved in the production of ‘No Limits’.

Click here to find out how to apply.

By |2022-09-06T00:28:43+00:00September 6th, 2022|Opportunities|Comments Off on Stella Young Award 2022