
Welcome to the NDCO Program Victoria Website

The National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education Skills and Employment. The NDCO program aims to drive change so that people with disability have equitable opportunity to access, participate and achieve their goals in tertiary education and subsequent employment.

This website provides information about tertiary education pathways and subsequent employment in Victoria. For professional development opportunities, resources, events, research, policy and advocacy updates and more please see our Victorian NDCO Post Archive.

For NDCO contact details,  please see below.

TAFE and University Employment Partnerships

University Specialist Employment Partnership program (USEP) and TAFE Specialist Employment Partnership program (TSEP) supports final year students with disability to prepare for the workforce, by honing their ability to compete for employment opportunities related to their area of study, and make key connections with employers who offer graduate and corporate roles

USEP and TSEP Toolkits

Large group of students writing in notebooks.

Melbourne Apprenticeship Disability Network

MADN aims to drive change and increase successful apprenticeship outcomes for people with disability living in Melbourne. This is being achieved through our collaborative network’s work to identify, action, and respond to common issues and challenges faced by apprentices with disability, their employers and the organisations and institutions that support them.

MADN Melbourne Apprenticeship Disability Network and blue network graphic

Region 11
Inner & Northern Melbourne

An Chang

Region 11: Inner & Northern Melbourne

Region 12
Western Melbourne

 David Tran 
M:  0413 220 573

Region 12 – Western Melbourne

Region 13
Eastern  Melbourne


Region 13: Eastern Melbourne

Region 14
Southern Melbourne

Sally Bailey
M: 0439 897 027

Region 14: Southern Melbourne

Region 15
Northern Victoria


Region 15: Northern Victoria

Region 16
Western Victoria

 Pam Anderson
M: 0418 108 555

Region 16 – Western Victoria

Region 17
Eastern Victoria


Region 17 – Eastern Victoria