2020 Review – Disability Standards for Education 2005

Have your say on the Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards).

The Standards help to make sure students with disability can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as students without disability. This supports people with disability to be able to participate fully in society and have more opportunities throughout their life.

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment, on behalf of the Minister for Education, is undertaking a review of the Standards through a consultation process. The law says the Standards need to be reviewed every 5 years.

The Review is asking whether the Standards are doing their job and, if not, how they could be improved.

The Terms of Reference for the Review and more information is set out in a discussion paper. The discussion paper includes guiding questions to help you have your say. You can also access the discussion paper in Easy Read and in other languages.

As part of the Review, there is a dedicated Consultation Hub for early childhood education and care.


Sally Bailey

Region 14

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