A free online event for Victorian businesses hosted by JobAccess

A million potentials: turning the dial on disability employment Virtual employer panel

Hiring new talent involves considerable time, effort and resources. What if you were able to build a steady, sustainable pipeline of diverse candidates to fill your vacancies? Register here to find out how.

Recruiting and retaining good talent are vital to business sustainability in many ways. But being limited in the number of candidates you access can create potential roadblocks.

Forward-thinking organisations are navigating those roadblocks by tapping into the diverse skills people with disability have to offer. In doing so, they are reaping the long-term benefits of employing productive, safe, and reliable employees with lower turnover rates*.

How do they do it? Register for our free Virtual Employer Panel to hear from inclusive Australian organisations — also, current JobAccess employer partners — who will join Paralympian Katrina Webb OAM to share how they broadened their talent pool by attracting and employing people with disability.

You will have the opportunity to:
Learn first-hand a wide range of strategies and good practice to make your recruitment and employment processes more inclusive.
Interact with a panel of disability-confident employers who will share their learnings and experiences.
Explore the free, sustainable supports and resources available to employ people with disability within your organisation.

By |2022-08-29T04:50:23+00:00May 12th, 2021|Events|Comments Off on A free online event for Victorian businesses hosted by JobAccess